CCCC Lee County Health Sciences Building
Sanford, NC - 30,000 Sq ft
As the first piece constructed within the larger master plan for the expansion of the Central Carolina Community College’s main campus, the new Lee County Health Sciences building serves as the College’s School of Nursing as well as home to their Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting programs. A key organizing concept of the building is the ‘classroom-in-the-round’ to facilitate group learning and modern teaching methods. At +/- 30,000 SF, the building also houses the College’s relocated student bookstore.
Incorporating advanced technology into all new buildings is a priority of CCCC, and the Health Sciences Building sports an 8-bed Skills Lab, three life-stage simulation labs, and a debriefing room that all feature video and audio recording and playback technologies to allow faculty to effectively recreate real world nursing scenarios and monitor student progress.
The new dental clinic, dental simulation lab, and associated radiology suite provide state of the art simulation technologies and allow the College to offer dental services to the public free of charge and giving students firsthand experience with living patients.